Kiyoshi Shiraishi
physics   -   theoretical physics
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Degenerate Fermion and Wilson Loops in 1+1 Dimensions

   Kiyoshi Shiraishi
   Canadian Journal of Physics 68, No. 4&5, pp. 357-360     [database]  
Abstract: We investigate the effect of finite fermion density on symmetry breaking by Wilson loops in (1 + 1) dimensions. We find the breaking and restoration of symmetry at finite density in models with SU(2) and SU(3) gauge symmetries, in the presence of the adjoint fermions. The transition can occur at a finite density of fermions, regardless of the periodic or antiperiodic boundary condition of the fermion field; this is in contrast to the finite-temperature case examined by Ho and Hosotani (IASSNS-HEP preprint 88/48) where the boundary condition of fractional twist is essential to the occurrence of the phase transition.
Type: article